acacia melanoxylon การใช้
- Melacacidin is a compound that can provoke contact allergy to Australian blackwood " Acacia melanoxylon ".
- The larvae have been recorded feeding on " Daviesia " species and possibly " Acacia melanoxylon ".
- The two most common of these alien species are " Pittosporum undulatum " and " Acacia melanoxylon ".
- A yellow-tailed black cockatoo was observed stripping pieces of bark off the trunk of a dead " Leptospermum " tree in " Acacia melanoxylon " swamp near cambium of the bark.
- The first settlers had great difficulty in cultivating the land because of the dense stands of giant Melaleuca, or tea-tree, large Eucalyptus and Acacia melanoxylon, or blackwood trees, which lay under the surface.
- The Private Forestry Division provided financial incentives, as grants and loans, for the establishment and tending of commercial plantations of pine, eucalyptus and special timber species, notably blackwood ( " Acacia melanoxylon " ).
- The timber, resembling that of " Acacia melanoxylon ", often has heart rot, but is of good quality and handsomely streaked in black, dark brown, purple and cream, with markedly contrasting off-white sapwood.
- The larvae feed in galls on " Acacia dealbata ", caused by the rust fungus " Uromycladium tepperianum " and in galls on " Acacia melanoxylon ", caused by the fly " Cecidomyia acaciaelongifoliae ".
- The larvae have been recorded feeding on the phyllodes and in galls on " Acacia " species in Australia and in New Zealand they have been reared from the foliage of " Acacia longifolia ", " Acacia melanoxylon " and " Albizzia julibrissin ".
- The larvae feed on the bark of " Salix vitellina " and the galls of " Acacia dealbata " ( caused by the rust fungus " Uromycladium tepperianum " ) and " Acacia melanoxylon " ( caused by the fly " Cecidomyia acaciaelongifoliae " ).
- The native vegetation of Mount Napier State Park, on the western side of the mountain, varies from grassy woodland to tall open forest dominated by Manna Gum " Eucalyptus viminalis ", Blackwood " Acacia melanoxylon ", Austral Bracken " Pteridium esculentum " and Common Tussock Grass " Poa labillardieri ".
- The larvae have been found feeding and living inside galls and damaged stems caused by " Uromycladium tepperianum ", " Cecidomyia acaciaelongifoliae " and " Schizoneura lanigera " and on various plants and trees, including " Malus domestica ", " Acacia dealbata " and " Acacia melanoxylon ".
- Both species are descended from an ancestral species in Australia, presumably their sister species, " Acacia melanoxylon "; the means of dispersal to Hawaii and then to R閡nion ( the latter trip a distance of 18, 000 km ) is thought to have been seed-carrying by birds such as petrels ( the seeds of these species are not adapted for prolonged immersion in seawater ).
- The dominant overstorey is " Acacia melanoxylon ", " Acacia dealbata ", " Acacia pycnantha ", " Eucalyptus cephalocarpa ", " Eucalyptus cypellocarpa " ( in areas near Belgrave Lake Park ), " Eucalyptus goniocalyx " growing in and around Birdsland and Zig Zag Road, " Eucalyptus obliqua " growing through most of the area as well as in Belgrave South, " Eucalyptus ovata " which tends to grow in low-lying areas and " Eucalyptus radiata " which is quite common in the Belgrave South Primary school grounds with the very fine bark and peppermint smelling leaves.
- The vegetation of Yellingbo Nature Conservation Reserve is composed of the following recognisable communities : along Cockatoo Creek pure stands of " Eucalyptus camphora " exist with an understorey of mainly " Carex " and " Cyperus " species; at the edges there are dense shrublands of " Leptospermum lanigerum " or " Melaleuca squarrosa "; " Eucalyptus camphora ", " Acacia melanoxylon ", " Eucalyptus ovata " and " Eucalyptus obliqua " occur on drier terraces along Cockatoo Creek; " Eucalyptus viminalis " mainly exists along Sheepstation and Woori Yallock Creeks; " Eucalyptus radiata ", " Eucalyptus obliqua " and " Eucalyptus ignorabilis " exist mainly along drier slopes throughout the reserve in sclerophyll forest.